町家カフェと滞在型ポップアップストア Machiya Café and a Pop-up Store with Lodging Feature


001: Tawara An Retreat

Description :
This is the work by Mayu Uematsu, Junior Student at Kyoto University. "Tawara-An Treat Art-site Project-"
Creator :

Student Contest Final Nominees



たわら庵は歴史ある町家であり、職住一体の生活が展開されてきた過去がある。建物と生活文化、二つの固有の価値を 現代に活かし、世界に広め、未来につないでいくことを考えた。そのためにたわら庵をリノベーションし、常設のカフ ェと滞在型ポップアップストアを配置する。 たわら庵がある京都府中京区は観光地でありながらも一歩外れれば住宅が 軒を並べる住宅街に出るという、都市では珍しい職住混在のエリアである。その中でもたわら庵は京都御所や二条城な どの観光地と四条河原町の商店街に囲まれた恵まれた土地にあり、外国人を含む観光客と地元の住民の両方が訪れる。


暖簾をくぐって中に入るとカフェが見える。まっすぐ伸びる通り庭を進むとポップアップストアのある西館にたどり着 く。東西に向く仕切りに障子やガラスを用いることによりカフェからポップアップストアまでまっすぐに視線が通る。 ポップアップストアとカフェはお互いに魅力を引き立て合う関係にある。カフェを訪れる人は通り庭・客席の先にある ポップアップストアに興味を持つ。逆にポップアップストアを目的に訪れた人はストアに向かうまでの通り庭でカフェ の存在を知る。カフェはただのカフェでなく「訪れる度に変化するカフェ」となり、ポップストアはより多くの客層に 興味を持たせることができる。 実店舗を持たないオンラインショップにとってSNSは重要な情報発信の場である。たわ
ら庵をブランド化・SNS開設でアトリエの情報を発信することによりたわら庵自体が実店舗をもたないアトリエの情報の 集積地として発達する。たわら庵を介してコミュニティが広がる。



住民と観光客の両方が気軽に立ち寄れるように、通りに面する部分に親しみやすく入りやすいカフェを配置した。常連 客はもちろん一見客にも優しい店構えを目指し、通りからカフェや庭の様子が分かる大きな覗き窓を設けた。町家は鰻 の寝床といわれる細長い空間構成が特徴であるが、カフェにおいては壁を適度に間引き、吹き抜けを設けることでコン パクトな中にも変化に富んだ空間を作った。カフェカウンターの二階部分を減築することで、吹き抜けのある土間空間 と座敷の魅力的なギャップを生む。座敷部分は客席にし、中庭を囲むように配置する。中庭眺めることで京町家を体感 できる。カフェの客席からは同時にポップアップストアの様子をうかがうことが出来、興味をそそる。



築100年を超える京町家で店を開く体験はそれ自体とても魅力がある。期間限定のイベント性を含んだポップアップスト アは小さな予算で挑戦でき、実店舗を持たないオンラインショップが隆盛の今、存在感を増している。一般的なポップ アップストア会場は出店者のコンセプトに柔軟に対応すべく無個性で均質な空間であることが多い。しかし、強い個性 を放つたわら庵が設営の前提となることで、出店者側の新しい魅力とたわら庵の新しい魅力が同時に開拓される。また 、出店期間中のスタッフの宿泊場所をたわら庵が提供することで、職住一体の文化が入れ替わり立ち替わり多くの人に 引き継がれていく。

Please take a look at it along with the image below.


Tawara-An Retreat is a historic townhouse with a history of having the lifestyle of integrating work and residential life. The idea was to make use of the inherent values of both buildings and lifestyle culture in the present, to spread them around the world, and to connect them to the future. For this purpose, Tawara-An Retreat will be renovated with a cafe and a pop-up store. Nakagyo ward in Kyoto Prefecture, where Tawara-An Retreat is located, is a tourist area but also a residential area lined with houses, a rare mix of work and residence in a city. Among them, Tawara-An Retreat is located in a blessed area surrounded by tourist spots such as the Kyoto Imperial Palace, Nijo Castle, and the Shijo Kawaramachi shopping district, attracting both tourists (including foreigners) and local residents.

Floor Plan

When you enter through the noren (Japanese traditional short shop curtain), you will see a café. Going through the straight street garden to the west wing takes you to the pop-up store. Shoji paper screen doors and glass as partitions facing east and west will allow a straight line of sight from the cafe to the pop-up store. The pop-up store and café have a relationship to enhance each other’s appeal. Visitors to the café will be curious about the pop-up store located beyond the street garden and seating area, and people who come to the pop-up store will find out about the cafe in the street garden on their way to the store. Because the pop-up store changes from time to time, the scenery changes for any regular customers of the café. This makes the cafe become not just a regular cafe, but a “cafe that changes every time you visit,” and pop-up stores can attract a wider range of customers. For online stores that do not have a physical store, social networking services are important places to spread information. By branding Tawara-An Retreat and opening a social networking service to send out information about the atelier, Tawara-An Retreat itself can also develop into a information center to get the information about ateliers that do not have a physical store.


Cafe Plan

To make it easy for both local residents and tourists to stop by, the café is placed facing the street. Aiming for a friendly cafe for both regular customers and first-time visitors, a large window is installed so the cafe and garden can be seen from the street. Machiya style houses are characterized by their long and narrow space structure, which is called an eel’s bed. By removing some of the walls and adding a stairwell in the cafe, it will create a compact, yet fun space. The second floor of the cafe’s counter will be reduced to create an attractive gap between the earthen floor space with the stairwell along with a room with tatami mats. The tatami room is used as a seating area, and is located surrounding the courtyard. The view of the courtyard allows you to experience the Kyoto machiya. From the seats of the cafe, you can see the pop-up store at the same time.


Store Plan

The experience of opening a store in a 100-year-old machiya is very appealing in itself. Both types of pop-up stores, permanent or limited time, can be opened on a smaller budget. They are gaining more and more presence than online stores without physical stores, which are thriving now. In general, pop-up store venues tend to look the same with no individuality because the venue owners have to make the space so that it matches the concepts of the various shop owners. However, for Tawara-An Retreat, with its strong individuality, a new attraction for the shop owners and for Tawara-An Retreat can be developed at the same time. Staying at Tawara-An Retreat during the shop opening period, the staff will learn the culture of the traditional “Integration of work and residence” and it will be passed on to many people who are involved in some way in the future.

  • Image

  • Floor Plan

  • Cafe Plan

  • Store Plan



Student Contest Final Nominees

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