京との結婚Marrying to Kyoto


001: Tawara An Retreat

Description :
Grand Prix winner. This is the work by Naoto Adachi, Tokyo University of the Arts Freshman Majoring in Architecture in the Department of Art Education. "Marrying to Kyoto - Renovation Proposal Plan of a Machiya Chapel for Tawara-An Retreat"
Creator :

Student Contest Final Nominees



伝統的な町屋の特徴のなかでもたわら庵の魅力でもある長い通りニワをバージンロードとするチャペルへの改修を提案します。 新郎新婦は通りニワからチャペルへ歩いていきます。土間はチャペルとし、チャ ペルには既存の天窓部分を大きく一つに統合する手法を取り大きな漆喰によるグローブボイドを設けます。

新郎新婦は挙式後2階へ上がり増築されたスロープで西館から東館へ向かいます。 スロープで東館に向かい、東館増築3 階部分から町の通りに向かって歩きます。三階には街に開いたテラスがあり、結婚式の最高潮を京の町と共有します。 新郎新婦は西館へと戻りますが、その間に、招待客はスロープに集まり、フラワーシャワーを準備します。その後新郎 新婦は寝室を経由し着脱を行い披露宴・宴会会場へと向かいます。


平面図を立体的にかつ断面的に理解するための補足資料です。 東館1階はバンケット会場の他キッチンを設けます。
キッチンはオープンキッチンとし、平時はシェアキッチンだけでなく、日替わりで夜はレストランとなります。 飲食店かつ菓子等製造業としての規格を満たすべく、従業員控室や観音開きの扉、完全区画のキッチンとしています。 キッチンの壁面は高さ1100までをタイル仕上げとし1100からの素材はプラスターボードとし屋根部分は不燃材料を用 いています。 東館2階は新郎新婦親族のための宿、3階部分は挙式時のセレモニー空間として機能します。 西館はチャペ ルとします。西館側にエレベーターを配置することで東西棟をつなぐスロープの増設と伴い最小限のコストで 館内全体をバリアフリー化します。


チャペルから歩きマチヤネテラスへとたどり着いた新郎新婦は京の町を一望します。 また、京の人々は通りから新郎新婦を祝福します。 見る見られるの関係を誘発するテラスは不特定多数の出入りするチ ャペルへの警戒心を和らげる町とチャペルがより連続的な関係を構築する手立てとなります。



増築する部分の寸法はたわら庵のモジュールでもある910を採用します。 そうすることで新設部分と既存部分の躯体と しての連続性を確保し、体験としての違和感をうむことなくシームレスな構成を実現します。



既存の天窓を統合し一つの大きなヴォイドを形成します。 材料は漆喰とすることで 軽量化を図ります。シンボリックなこのチャペルは旧来の躯体と新たなヴォイドという新旧の材料の 融合により魅力的な空間を実現します。
提出したいダイアグラムや図面、映像、模型がありますが提出写真が5枚までという制約があり提出できないことを残念 に思います。 京都出身の建築学生として、たわら庵をかつて利用者として訪れた一人間として今回アイデアを提出させ て頂いています。
この提案はいま税制の危機にある京都市を救う「小さな経済圏や小さなコミュニティ」を実現しうる提案です。 提案書では伝えきれない内容をぜひさらにご提案したく思います。
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Please take a look at it along with the image below.

Proposal for each floor of the Tawara-An Retreat

I propose to renovate it into a wedding chapel, taking advantage of the most attractive features such as the long street garden to the entrance and the surrounding traditional Machiya style houses.The long street garden will be used as the wedding ceremony aisle.

Imagine this story; the Bride & Groom will enter the chapel from the street garden on the natural earthen floors of the chapel. A large stucco globe void will be created in the chapel and integrate the existing skylights into one large space. After the ceremony, the Bride & Groom will proceed to the second floor and then take the extended ramp from the West Wing to the East Wing of the chapel. From there they will use the ramp from the east wing to walk from the third floor of the extended area, and to the street of the town. On the third floor, there is an open sky terrace to which the Bride & Groom may share the joy of the wedding ceremony with the city of Kyoto. The Bride & Groom will then return to the West Wing while the wedding guests gather on the ramp in preparation for the flower shower. Then the Bride & Groom will then go to a bedroom to change out of their formal wedding attire, then proceed to the reception/banquet hall.

The kitchen, which complies with the restaurant industry and legal requirements, utilizes the existing water section equipment and functions as a shared kitchen during regular use.

Sectional axonometric

This is a supplementary document to help visualize the floor plan in a three-dimensional and cross-sectional way. On the first floor of the East Wing, there will be a banquet hall and a kitchen. The kitchen will be open, shared during regular use, and a restaurant at night when available. To meet the standards of a restaurant and confectionery manufacturer, the building is equipped with an employee waiting room, doors that can be opened, and a fully equipped kitchen. The kitchen walls will be finished with tiles up to a height of 1100, from 1100 above plasterboard will be used. The roof is made of non-combustible materials. The second floor of the East Wing will serve as lodging for the bride and groom’s relatives, while the third floor will function as the ceremony space during the wedding. The West Wing will be used as the wedding chapel. An elevator will be placed on the west side of the building. This will allow the entire building to be barrier-free at a minimal cost, along with the addition of a slope connecting the east and west wings.

Tawara-An Retreat as seen from the front

The bride and groom will walk from the chapel to the Machiyane Terrace, where they can enjoy the panoramic view of Kyoto City. The people of Kyoto will also be able to celebrate from the street. The terrace will foster a relationship of seeing and being seen, as a way to build a more continuous relationship between the town and the chapel. This eases the local residents’ wariness of the chapel’s unspecified comings & goings of wedding guests.


View of the Street Garden Aisle

The bride and groom appear to be celebrated by a series of pillars.
The dimensions of the extension area will be 910, which is also the module of Tawara-An Retreat. This will ensure continuity between the new and existing parts of the structure, and realize a seamless composition without creating a sense of discomfort as an experience.


View of the chapel from the auditorium.

The existing skylights are integrated to form one large open space. Plaster will be used as a material to reduce weight. This symbolic chapel is a fusion of old and new materials, the old frame and the new open space, to make it more attractive.
The Bride & Groom take their vows in the open space which is located at the highest point of this structure.

I also prepared diagrams, drawings, videos, and models that I would like to submit, but I regret that I can’t because the limitation was up to 5 photos for the contest. As an architecture student born in Kyoto and a former user of Tawara-An Retreat, I am humbly submitting my ideas.
This proposal could realize a “small economic zone and small community” to save Kyoto City, which is currently in a tax crisis. I would like to propose more details that cannot be conveyed in this proposal.
Thank you.

  • Proposal for each floor of the Tawara-An Retreat

  • Sectional axonometric

  • Tawara-An Retreat as seen from the front

  • View of the Street Garden Aisle

  • View of the chapel from the auditorium.



Student Contest Final Nominees

GALILEO holds idea contests for students on a regular basis. We will post the Grand Prix and the best finalist entries.






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