健やかに、学ぶ、寄ル 『YAKU doko』for Wellness, for Wisdom, for Gathering "YAKU doko"


001: Tawara An Retreat

Description :
Machiya houses are still diminishing in Kyoto, a city with a rich history and tradition. The growing awareness of health due to the new virus and the educational community that has taken root in this land. While respecting and preserving the Kyoto machiya, I would like to carefully weave a unique "connection" that supports the health of the local people and deepens their learning.
Creator :



神社仏閣に、幕末の影、おしゃれなリノベーションカフェが立ち並び、穏やかな自然が周りを囲む。現代と歴史、自然を上手に組み合わせながら繋がり合う街、京都。そんな京都中心部に今も残る明治後期築70坪以上の京町家は、わずか 30 棟。

2021 年、「健やかにいきること」がどんなに重要かがわかった一年であった。
日々のワイドショーでは医者が引っ張りだこで、画面には「かかりつけの~」という言葉が躍った。日本には色々な病院や薬局があるけれど「なんでも相談できて、開かれている病院や薬局」というものは実際には少ないのではないか。 人と人、歴史と現代、それぞれのつながりが深い街、そんな京都独自の「繋がり」を丁寧に紡いでいきたい。 



敷地周辺では、京独自の地域コミュニティに加え、 文科省初のコミュニティ・スクール「御所南小学校」により、地域住民が学校運営に参画できる「御所南コミュニティ」がある。
地域全体で教育をはぐくんでいく体制は取られているものの、 地域住民 が気軽に集まり、会話 ができるような場所が少ないのではないか と考える 。また、付近にはクリニックや病院も立地しており、 集まれる場所や薬局 を入れることで、包括的に健康のサポート をしていきたい 。




京都という人と人が深く繋がりあう場所で ひとりひとりの健康に寄り添える新しい地域のよりどころをつくりたいと思った。

薬を取りに行くついでに子どもを土間ラボで学ばせたり、カレーを食べに来たら、身体を 温めるスパイスの調合を教えてもらったり、地域と繋がり、学び、健康について向き合う ことができる、ふらっと立ち寄れる、地域のよりどころ。そんな温かい場所をつくっていきたい。 



健やかに、学ぶ、寄ル YAKU doko
京町家を改装した“YAKU doko”には、ふたつの YAKU がある。 

「学び」を意味する「役」と、「健康」を意味する「薬」 。
敷地分析から浮かび上がったこのふたつの“YAKU”を組み合わせ、内部の機能(業態)を考えていった。 「役」には「土間 lab.」、「薬」には「KOMADO 薬局」と「薬膳 蔵六 Curry」を配置。 それぞれの業態が相乗効果をもたらし、温かいコミュニティが生まれていく。この街で暮らす人々の健康を下支えし、暮らすための学びや知恵を深める。そんな地域のよりどころとなる場を目指していきたい。 



「蔵六 Curry」
以前の所有者であり、京工芸の最高峰「秦 蔵六」の名をつけた薬膳カレーを提供。スパイスとともにじっくり煮込んだ薬膳カレーを提供する。食事の面からも健康をサポートしていく。 

「Creative Space 土間 lab.」



日本の伝統「京町家」の趣ある佇まいを尊重し、所有者であった、京工芸「秦蔵六」の青 銅作品をモチーフにデザインし、町家の歴史と秦蔵六さんのイメージをうまく融合させる ことを目指した。 

蔵六 Curry では、天井などの伝統ある建築物はなるべく保持し、壁面素材にはアクセントと して秦蔵六さんの作品をイメージした銅材を使用。 

KOMADO 薬局では、階段横の壁やカウンター側面、建具に銅材を使用した。


Kyoto has profound history since 794, when the city was called Heian-kyo. Shinto shrines and Buddhist temples, hint of Bakumatsu period, sophisticated  renovation cafes around the city, peaceful nature surrounds you. Contemporary and Historical, Kyoto is the city where people connect with each other in the community. There are only 30 machiya houses with over 230sqm, built in the late  Meiji period that still remain in central Kyoto. 

Preserving and reutilizing historic houses contributes to society and to the local  community. Preserving cultural properties has become an important action in the world. We have questioned ourselves, how to “preserve”, how to “reutilize” the historical  housing for the future community in Kyoto. 

2021, the world has realized how important it is to live a healthy life. There are many hospitals and pharmacies in Japan, however, there are few doctors  and pharmacist that are really bonded to local communities in Japan, such as a family  doctors. 

Kyoto, the city with deep connections between “people to people”, “present and  history”, we have taken a deep consideration of Kyoto’s unique connections for the  future Kyoto.



As well as the Kyoto’s unique community, the site area has another unique educational  community named “Gosho Minami Community”. The local residents can participate in  school management through the Gosho-minami Elementary School, the first community  school by Ministry of Education. 

From the unique educational community, we believe that there will be strong demands  of place where local residents can casually gather and have conversations about  education. There are also clinics and hospitals in the neighborhood, and we would like to  provide a Pharmacy that not only dispenses prescription, but also place to gather and  supports their health.  



Wellness is always connected to something else.
There are many ways to get healthy in this world, but we cannot lack any other ones  “medicine”, “meal”, and “mind”. 

 Kyoto, a place where people are deeply connected to each other, we wanted to  create a new local COMMUNITY place that can take care of each other’s health.  Let the kids learn in the “work-shop” while getting your medicine. You can learn how to prepare medicinal herbs meal for your wellness, while eating curry. It is a place to connect with the local community, place to learn, and place to talk about  health. 



It is the place for Wellness, for Wisdom, for Gathering, YAKU-doko. The new local community place “YAKU-doko”, a renovated Kyoto-machiya. The word  “YAKU” contains two meanings of “YAKU” one is “LEARNING” and the other one is  “MEDICINE”.  

YAKU(learning) brings the community the “Workshop DOMA-lab.”, and YAKU(medicine)  brings the community the “KOMADO Pharmacy” and “ZOROKU Curry” with medicinal  herbs. The synergistic relationship between each function creates a community of  richer wellness, and richer wisdom.



「KOMADO Pharmacy」
The pharmacy that not only dispenses prescriptions, but also provides health  counseling, dietary guidance, and even health care classes. We aim to be a pharmacy  that connects people in the community and supports the health of people. 

「ZOROKU Curry」
Curry restaurant where people eat and gather. The curry is named after the former  house owner, Hata Zoroku, who is the respectful craftsman of Kyoto. The curry is made  with medicinal herbs that are slowly simmered with other spices. 

「Creative Workshop DOMA-lab.」
“Doma-Labo” is a place to push the curiosity of children and adults in the community. It can be used as workshop where children develop their creative ideas, the Gallery  harmonize with the beautiful back garden, and for lecturing space teaching” Machiya  history”, “wellness lecture” and etc.  



Architectural concept is to respect and preserve the historical “Kyoto-machiya” as much  as possible. Also using “bronze” material for some details and accent walls revives the  bronze works of Hata Zoroku who is the former house owner and renowned craftsman of  Kyoto. 

At Zoroku Curry restaurant, historical architectural elements such as ceiling and etc.  were retained as much as possible, while the walls were accented with a bronze  material inspired by Hata Zoroku’s bronze work. At KOMADO Pharmacy, bronze  materials were used for an accent wall, the counter, and window frames. The aim was to blend the history of machiya and revive the bronze work of Hata Koroku.

  • Presentation Video

  • Concept1

  • Concept2

  • Exterior

  • Pharmacy

  • Workshop

  • Showcase

  • curry restaurant




An architectural design firm that provides overall design services for large commercial facilities, train stations, and housing complexes.In addition to the Tokyo headquarters, we also have a branch office in Taiwan, and are involved in numerous projects not only in Japan but also overseas in China, Taiwan, Malaysia, and other countries.The name of the company, "nonscale," expresses the idea of encouraging free thinking without being bound by general scales, and we are always looking for new design methods.We won the 1st Prize in an international competition in London for our work incorporating computational design, and the Grand Prize in a station design competition sponsored by Tokyo Metro.






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