飲食店経営トライアル賃貸としての活用法Proposal for use as a Trial Lease for Restaurant Management


001: Tawara An Retreat

Description :
This is the work by Yuto Toyoda, Freshman at Shibaura Institute of Technology. "Cutting-Edge Antiquity - Proposal for use as a Trial Lease for Restaurant Management- "
Creator :

Student Contest Final Nominees



飲食スペースを二階から見下ろす。外部と内部は1つのランドスケープを形成し、群島のように散りばめられる。島と海 の関係性が場所と流れの関係を作り出し、それは本能的な所有欲にも似た、テーブルではなくテリトリーに従った飲食 スペースを提供する。 島には芝生が植わっていて、飛び石が散りばめられている。日本庭園を彷彿とさせるような、飛 び石を渡り歩く体験は単なる空間としての飲食スペースを超越した、人々の心に残る記憶として、空間ではなく場所へ と昇華される。 建物にとっての大一番とも言える、最も奥まった場所にある庭と巨大空間を、その基本構成は変えずに ランドスケープによってアップデートさせる。それは建物が持つ歴史への尊敬であると同時に、建物のDNAを引き継い だ「最先端の古さ」でもある。


長屋建築の最も大きな、唯一無二の魅力がその細長いプロポーションである。それは平面幾何学的な面白さ以上に、実 際にそこを歩いて体験する行為こそが魅力を引き出すと考えた。そこで通り庭の軸線を貫通させ、敷地に足を踏み入れ た瞬間に、建物の端までが見渡せる、異世界感の情動を作り出すことを考えた。 薄暗い道の先から光が差し込んでくる 。その光に誘われるように歩を進めると、低い屋根、右手に坪庭、さらに歩くと巨大な飲食スペースが待ち構える。長 屋建築が持ちうる可能性の全てを、実体験による情動装置として蘇らせる。






床本位主義から豊潤本位主義への移行。これこそが最初に考えるべき点である。なぜなら、一般的な価値基準である経 済合理性以上の付加価値が「たわら庵」には存在するからで、それは空間価値ではなく時間価値によって、また金銭感 覚ではなく美的感覚によってもたらされる。個人資産としてしか評価できなかった建築を、公共アートと同じ位置づけ に価値基準の最適化を行い、それを不動産取引へと応用する提案。 提案する活用法は、新規参入する飲食店事業主に短
期間(数週間~二か月程度)のトライアルを行うことができる環境としての不動産運営である。京都という、世界的に みても好立地な場所に対する飲食店の進出というのは敷居が高い。そこで「たわら庵」の西館を店舗、東館を住居とし て改修し、京都人を疑似体験することで店舗進出後の生活を想像しやすくする。また京都商工会議所の後援や政府の金 銭的援助を受けることで経済的にも敷居を下げる。



トレンドに敏感な若者を顧客層に狙うため、SNSを活用する。ここでは移り変わる店舗ごとに情報発信するのではなく、 器としての場所それ自体で価値を発信していく。参入する店舗はあくまでも現象であり、この場所で起こる変化の方こ そに魅力があるからだ。長い時間が作り出した重厚な場所で、短い期間で移り変わる軽快な店舗。そういう刹那的な存 在が紡ぎ出す一人ひとりの物語は、情報として投げ出されることで共感される。 たわら庵が持つ中長期的な価値は、新 規参入者にとっての「登竜門」として、また古民家改修の成功事例や最先端トレンド発信の模範事業として「不動産」 的にも説明することができる。一般的な減価償却費に対抗する際に、ハードだけではなくソフトによる応答が最も大切 であり、ここではそれをトライアル向け賃貸としてのハード、総じて情報発信としてのソフトを通して建物の持続的な運営管理を可能にする。

Please take a look at it along with the image below.


This is a view of the restaurant space from the second floor. The exterior and interior form a single landscape scattered like an archipelago. Instead of a normal table, the relationship between the island and the sea features creates a connection between a sense of place and flow, which provides an area for dining and drinking. The island is planted with grass and is sprinkled with stepping stones. The experience of walking across the stepping stones is reminiscent of a traditional Japanese garden. Crossing these stones transcends a mere space for eating and drinking, and is sublimated into arriving at a new destination and a memory that remains in people’s minds. The garden and the open space in the most secluded spot, which may be the most important feature for the building, will be updated by the landscape without changing its basic structure. This is in order to respect the history of the building, but at the same time evolve as a “cutting-edge antiquity” which has taken over the DNA of the existing building.


The most significant and unique attraction of row house architectural structures are their elongated proportions. I thought that more than the planar geometry, it was the act of actually walking and experiencing it that brought out its appeal. Therefore, I thought of creating an otherworldly emotion by penetrating the axis line of the street garden so that the moment you step into the site, you can see all the way to the edge of the building. You will see a light that shines from the end of the dimly lit street. As you walk towards the light, you will see a low roof, a small garden on your right, and a huge eating space waiting. All of the unique capabilities of row house architecture are revived as an emotional device based on the experience of the space.


Floor Plan

Plan view. The west wing will be renovated as stores and the east wing as residences.



“A shift from floor-centeredness to abundance-centeredness” is the first point to consider. This is because Tawara-An Retreat has an added value that goes beyond economic rationality, which is the general standard of value. It is brought about not by space value but by time value, not by monetary sense but by aesthetic sense. This is a proposal to optimize the value standard of architecture, which could only be valued as a personal asset, by placing it in the same position as public art, and applying it to real estate transactions. The use I propose is real estate management that gives new restaurant business owners an environment where they can conduct trials for a short period of time (a few weeks to two months). You can easily imagine that it is difficult for a restaurant to enter Kyoto, one of the prime locations. Here we make it easier for the restaurant owners to imagine what life will be like after their own original store opens at a different permanent site, as well as simulate life in Kyoto by renovating the west wing as a store and the east wing as a residence. In addition, they may be able to get support from the Kyoto Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the government for the event. Also they may even get financial support so the owners can lower the economic threshold.


Marketing Strategy

In order to target trend-sensitive young people as a customer base, we will use various SNS platforms. Rather than giving information about each store as it comes and goes from the space, the value of the place itself as a shell will be widely promoted. This is because the stores we are entering are only a temporary phenomenon, and the changes that will happen in this place are more attractive. It is a sacred place built over a long period of time with fast-changing stores in operation. Each person’s story spun by such ephemeral existence is sympathetic when presented as information. The medium to the long-term value of Tawara-An Retreat can be explained as a “gateway to success”. This gateway may be viewed from many different perspectives. From newcomers to the industry, from a real estate perspective, it can be also explained as a successful example of renovating an old private house, as well as a model project for disseminating cutting-edge trends. When countering general depreciation, it is most important to respond not only by hardware but also by software. This is what we are trying to do here through hardware as a trial rental and software as general information transmission to enable sustainable operation and management of the building.

This was the most exciting and informative competition I have ever participated in. Thank you very much. This type of design as a response to management methods is part of what I plan to do in the future. I enjoyed the motivation I gained from participating.

  • Image1

  • Image2

  • Floor Plan

  • Concept

  • Marketing Strategy



Student Contest Final Nominees

GALILEO holds idea contests for students on a regular basis. We will post the Grand Prix and the best finalist entries.






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