Since we live on the earth, there is a global need to take care of the environment.
Nature, including sunlight, wind, plants and other life forms, is changing daily. By incorporating them into our lives, we can improve our health and creativity. It also leads to energy conservation.
The architecture and creativity we are trying to create is to incorporate natural materials into buildings in an appropriate way. We will recycle man-made materials, return natural materials to the soil, reduce the consumption of earth resources, and preserve the environment. This proposal is to realize in the Ginza 8-chome Building the way of “architecture × environment × health” so that we can continue to be aware of and think about the environment and health ourselves in a sustainable manner.
Ginza is a "town of tradition and innovation" lined with historical architecture of universal value and the latest architecture that is unique and rich in design. And architectural design is undergoing a period of change. Ginza is lined with many offices, restaurants, and boutiques, and is also a place where a wide range of people gather due to its easy access to Shimbashi and Ginza stations.We will focus not only on the design of buildings but also on how they are used, and propose the creation of a system that will be sustainable for the next 100 years.
ファザードコンセプトA 「エコロジカル」―既存の躯体や仕上げ材を活かし新設する範囲は最小限とします。外装材は再利用し、カーテンウォールから見える袖壁には再生可能な木材を多用しイメージの統一を図ります。ファサードから見えない機械設備などは消費エネルギーの実態を把握し、削減対象の優先順位を判断する事で省エネルギーに特化した建物を目指します。
Facade Concept A "Ecological" - Minimize the extent of new construction by utilizing the existing building frame and finishing materials. Exterior materials will be reused, and the sleeve walls visible from the curtain wall will be made of recyclable wood to unify the image. For machinery and other equipment not visible from the façade, the actual energy consumption will be assessed and priorities for reduction will be determined, with the aim of creating a building that specializes in energy conservation.
Material logo image
ファザードコンセプトB 「つなぐ」―ゆるやかな曲線を描く透明感のあるメッシュで建物全体を覆います。人々と地域社会をつなぐ架け橋となるような連続するアーチによる繊細かつ象徴的なファサードでランドマークとなる建物を目指します。
Façade Concept B "Connect" - The entire building is covered with a transparent mesh that gently curves. We aim to create a landmark building with a delicate and symbolic façade of continuous arches that will serve as a bridge between people and the local community.
Material logo image
ファサード 夜間イメージA
Facade Night Image A
ファサード 夜間イメージB
Facade Night Image B
1F利用用途 銀座通りに面したエントランスは高天井(4m)を活かし銀座の街を行き交う人々のアイキャッチとなる開放的な空間づくりを創出します。人との動線交差が生まれる仕掛けとして1階にカフェ機能を、地下1階にはギャラリー機能を配置することで1階を展示スペースとしても活用し1階から地下1階への動線が促され、相乗効果が期待できます。銀座の街では1階にはほとんどブティックが配置されています。しかしあえてカフェを設ける理由は、現状の程よい広さと人の動線に着目したからです。
First floor usage The entrance facing Ginza-dori will have a high ceiling (4m) to create an open space that will catch the eye of people passing through Ginza. A café on the first floor and a gallery on the basement floor will create a synergistic effect by using the first floor as an exhibition space and encouraging traffic flow from the first floor to the basement floor. In Ginza, most boutiques are located on the first floor. However, the reason why we dared to add a café was because we focused on the current moderate size and the flow line of people.
1F カフェ(エレベーターホールよりエントランスへ) カフェとアート空間を掛け合わせた美しい空間を創造します。代表的は素材は「天然木材・テラゾー・金属」を採用し、視覚的美しさと高級感を演出します。高天井に加え、間接照明や造作照明・家具を配置する事で空間にアクセントが加わりアートがより引き立ちます。通りからの視認性に配慮して造作物は視線を遮らない高さに抑えた工夫をします。
1F Cafe From the elevator hall to the entrance We create a beautiful space that is a cross between a cafe and an art space. Natural wood, terrazzo, and metal are the typical materials used to create a sense of visual beauty and luxury. In addition to the high ceilings, the space is accentuated with indirect lighting, artificial lighting, and furniture to make the art stand out. In consideration of visibility from the street, the height of the fixtures is kept to a height that does not obstruct the line of sight.
B1F ギャラリー(エントランスよりカフェへ) カフェのサービスエリアはエントランスと対角線上に奥手に配置し、人動線を建物奥まで意図的に誘導します。その為カフェ利用者エリアが自然と確保でき、空間利用の効率が上がります。また木材を壁一面に配する事でメイン通りからの繋がりが感じられ、建物イメージが人々の記憶に根付きます。
B1F Gallery From the entrance to the café The café service area is located at the back of the building on a diagonal line from the entrance, intentionally directing the flow of people to the back of the building. The café service area is located at the back of the building, diagonally opposite the entrance. In addition, the use of wood on the walls creates a sense of connection to the main street, and the image of the building takes root in people's memories.
各エリアの利用用途 「人々の健康・環境」に配慮した機能を一挙に集合させた複合ビルを目指します。 貸し手側の想い次第で建物の意匠・用途に一体感が生まれ、エリアごとの環境に適した「機能(用途)計画配置」を行い、類似用途の相乗効果を期待します
Uses for each area. "The aim is to create a building complex that integrates functions that take into consideration people's health and the environment. A sense of unity will be created in the design and use of the building depending on the desire of the lessor, and a synergistic effect of similar uses will be expected through a "planned arrangement of functions (uses)" suitable for the environment of each area.
Zoning 1
Zoning 2

PASSE ARCHITECT is a first-class architectural firm based in Kobe, Japan.
We aim to "create things" from a broad perspective. We create five kinds of things: architecture, interior design, graphics, installation, and dance. Sometimes we create new things, and sometimes we make effective use of existing things. We believe that our role is to propose the necessary elements for the place and things.