This building is currently recognized as a rare and valuable Kyoto machiya, and is used as an accommodation facility in the style of a single building rental. Although it has already acquired a position as a special space, it remains only in the memories of a few people.
In order to preserve this specialness for the future, we propose to transform “Tawara-an” into a memorable machiya that more people can visit and experience.
Four elements that make the most of Tawaraya-an's concept of "experience and adjust" - Tawaraya-cho, Kyoto machiya Tawaraya-an, usage, interior furnishings
Zoning Plan - The site is an eel bed shape extending long from east to west, with a courtyard between the east and west wings, and a traffic flow plan centered on the street garden. In the east area, a café, a tea ceremony room, and a shade room will be provided to create an everyday space that can be visited by many people. In the west area, we have prepared the "Yang Room, Free Space, and Bedroom," which can be used as an accommodation or rental space, and propose an extraordinary space for specific people. We will create a complex consisting of two buildings interspersed with "experiencing".
体感エリア「陽の間」(ゾーニングプラン No.7)-人工光よる明暗の演出によって空間を際立たせます。中庭の風景をガラスの反射により内部へ取り込み、光のボックスが風景を切り取ることで非日常的な体験を生み出します。五感の中で最も身体に影響を与える視覚を制限し、庭の草花・植木など自然物を観賞できる場を創ります。 利用用途-座禅、ヨガ(瞑想)を行う場として、茶室として、作家のための製作場として、ダンサーのための舞台として
Sensory area "Sun Room" (Zoning Plan No.7) -The space is accentuated by the artificial light that creates a light and dark effect. The scenery of the courtyard is brought into the interior through the reflection of the glass, and the boxes of light cut through the landscape to create an extraordinary experience. The visual senses, which have the greatest impact on the body, are restricted to create a place where people can admire the flowers, plants, and other natural elements in the garden. Uses - as a place for Zen meditation, yoga (meditation), a tea ceremony room, a production space for artists, a stage for dancers
体感エリア「陰の間」(ゾーニングプラン No.3)-禅の精神を体感できる空間を創ります。元ある素材や天井高さ、庭の風景など人工物をなるべくそぎ落とし身体へ取り込む情報を最小限にし、五感を研ぎ澄まします。床の間には現代のデザインをプラスしたリメイク家具を配置し、長く使用される和家具の価値を演出します。 利用用途-座禅、ヨガ(瞑想)の場として、茶室として、イベントスペースとして
Sensory area "Shadow Room" (Zoning Plan No.3) -The space is where you can experience the spirit of Zen. The original materials, the height of the ceiling, and the landscape of the garden are stripped down to the bare minimum to sharpen the five senses. In the tokonoma (alcove), remade furniture with modern design is placed to create the value of Japanese furniture that will be used for a long time. Usage - as a place for zazen and yoga (meditation), as a tearoom, as an event space
カフェエリア(ゾーニングプラン No.2)-上質で趣のある既存空間を最大限に活かしつつ、床、壁、照明や造作家具など部分的に改修を加えることにより、現代的で情緒ある日常空間を創ります。
Café area (Zoning Plan No.3) - While maximizing the use of the existing high-quality and atmospheric space, we will create a modern and emotional daily space by adding partial renovations such as flooring, walls, lighting and furniture.
Cafe Perth A - The alcove, which is the face of the Japanese-style room with a sense of history everywhere, will be renovated and transformed into a space where artists' works can be displayed, making art accessible to the public. Also, by displaying remade furniture, it becomes a symbol of the space and encourages people to reevaluate the value of reuse.
Cafe Perth B - Hard materials such as stainless steel and glass are placed in the space where existing soft materials such as bamboo and wood are used to add a modern feel. The counter seats with a sense of the courtyard do not change the floor level of the customer seats, but the floor level on the kitchen side is lowered to create an open kitchen, unifying the line of sight and providing a comfortable space.
Facade daylight view - The facade, fittings, and noren (curtain) are renovated and modern signage is added, while preserving the important exterior elements of the Kyoto machiya. The teahouse facing the road is positioned as an important icon to transmit information to people passing by and visitors as the "face of Tawara-an".
Night view of the facade and logo image - To complement the gate, the logo should be in Mincho font with Roman characters for easy recognition.
East area - This area is set up as an extension of the teahouse, and will become a modern "place of mise en place" by changing its use to a cafe. A service counter will be placed in front of the existing entrance, seating will be provided on the first and second floors, and the existing water space on the first floor will be removed to make way for a kitchen and counter seating for light meals. The space will be configured to allow line of sight, air, and light to pass from courtyard to courtyard.
The first floor, the "Sun Room," brings the scenery of the inner garden into the interior, creating an unusual space for visitors. The second floor has many free spaces that can be used for various purposes, such as bedrooms and exhibition spaces. The second floor has many free spaces that can be used for various purposes such as bedrooms and exhibition spaces.
リメイク家具-「たわら庵で現在使用されている箪笥、家具をリメイクし、展示・使用します」 元来日本はノーファニチャーの生活であり、庶民に家具といわれるものが広まったのは、江戸時代もしくは大正時代に婚礼家具が一般的になってからと言われています。箪笥の用材には欅、仕上げには漆を用い、塗は木地呂に属する方法、または菊などをたがねで彫り抜き、裏面からさらに打ち出して模様を浮き出しにしたもので全行程が伝統的な手細工です。このような民芸家具はアーツアンドクラフトの精神にも通じるのか、海外にも人気があり輸出もされています。現代のデザインをプラスして魅力を引き出し、空間に調和を生み出す要素としてカフェ・陰の間、フリースペースへ展示して購入可能とし、アップサイクルの仕組みづくりを目指します。
Remade furniture - "Remade chests of drawers and furniture currently used at Tawara-an will be displayed and used" Originally, Japan was a country where people lived without furniture, and it is said that furniture became popular among the common people only after wedding furniture became common in the Edo or Taisho periods. It is said that furniture became popular among the common people in the Edo or Taisho periods, when wedding furniture became common. The chest is made of zelkova and finished with lacquer. The whole process is done by hand. This type of folk craft furniture is popular overseas and is exported, perhaps because of the spirit of arts and crafts. We aim to create a system of upcycling by adding modern design to bring out the charm of the furniture and display it in the cafe, Yin-no-ma and free space as an element to create harmony in the space and make it available for purchase.

PASSE ARCHITECT is a first-class architectural firm based in Kobe, Japan.
We aim to "create things" from a broad perspective. We create five kinds of things: architecture, interior design, graphics, installation, and dance. Sometimes we create new things, and sometimes we make effective use of existing things. We believe that our role is to propose the necessary elements for the place and things.