大型商業施設を中心に、駅、集合住宅等の設計デザイン全般を行う建築設計事務所。東京本社のほか、台湾支社があり、国内だけでなく、中国、台湾、マレーシアといった海外での案件も数多く携わる。社名の「ノンスケール」には一般的な尺度にとらわれず、自由な発想を後押しするという思いが込められ、常に新たなデザイン手法の模索を行う。ロンドンの国際コンペでは、コンピュテーショナルデザインを取り入れた作品で 1st Prize、東京メトロ主催の駅デザインコンペでは最優秀賞を受賞。
An architectural design firm that provides overall design services for large commercial facilities, train stations, and housing complexes.In addition to the Tokyo headquarters, we also have a branch office in Taiwan, and are involved in numerous projects not only in Japan but also overseas in China, Taiwan, Malaysia, and other countries.The name of the company, "nonscale," expresses the idea of encouraging free thinking without being bound by general scales, and we are always looking for new design methods.We won the 1st Prize in an international competition in London for our work incorporating computational design, and the Grand Prize in a station design competition sponsored by Tokyo Metro.
- http://www.nonscale.com/