我们是一家位于日本东京的设计建筑师事务所。 西田洋平于2015年毕业于东京城市大学研究生院手冢研究室,并于2014年在奥斯陆建筑与设计学院学习。 在Go Hasegawa and Associates工作后,他于2016年底成立了独立建筑师事务所YNY。2018年,他加入东京城市大学,担任兼职讲师。
We are a design architect firm based in Tokyo, Japan.
Yohei Nishida graduated from Takaharu Tezuka Laboratory, Tokyo City University Graduate School in 2015, and studied at The Oslo School of Architecture and Design in 2014.
After working at Go Hasegawa and Associates, he established an independent architect firm YNY at the end of 2016. In 2018, he joined Tokyo City University as a part-time lecturer.
In addition to creating buildings as an architect, he is also involved in addressing the social issue of vacant houses, giving lectures to local governments, and collaborating with the art and digital fields on art activities and upcycling projects.
His major awards include the Grand Prize at the 2012 Hakodate Monozukuri Forum Architectural Competition, the Grand Prize and Honorable Mention at the 41st Nisshin Kogyo Architectural Design Competition, and a finalist at the 2015 Tokyo Kenchiku Collection National Master Design Exhibition.
- http://ynyarchitects.com/